Monday, July 6, 2015

Why was Moses referred to as an Egyptian?

Why in Ex 2:19 that the daughter refereed to Moses as an Egyptian?


  1. This is a good question in that it does say that Moses was an Egyptian that helped the Daughters Draw Water (Moses Name Means Draw Out Water) and it would certainly lead one to ponder why. Well if you have this question you have to remember that Moses was raised and was schooled in the way of the Egyptians Acts 7:22-23 and he wore the clothing of Egyptians at the time when he fled. So to the Daughters of Reuel assumed and simply mistook him to be an Egyptian.

    This is a good questions because it simply points to the fact that we having been raised one way according to our care keepers (our Worldly Guardians or Egyptian learning) and we to must slay (Kill) that image of ourselves in order to draw ourselves out from our carnal mentality of thinking. More on this concept in later writings.

  2. Looking back at this question ... No Moses was NOT an Egyptian. Read exodus 1:1 all the way through.


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